IoT workspace

Deloitte Toronto is an impressive workspace. We occupied more than half the building in 2016 and were adding floors year over year. That kind of growth is bound to cause some growing pains. We wanted to ensure a better office experience, and demonstrate how other companies can track their data and engage employees as a real world demo. Our IoT (Internet of Things) board is a dynamic dashboard that’s tapped into our building’s systems and gives people a real-time, interactive look at what goes on around the office.

We worked with a cross-functional team from facilities, IT, creative and UX to come up with a solution. We arrived at a modular, end-to-end solution with features that can be added, subtracted and moved around as needs change, so we can easily shift what we share.

Fueling innovation

It’s no secret that companies run on coffee. We programmed Raspberry Pis and 3D printed enclosures for every coffee machine. The devices measure how many cups of coffee each floor’s machine makes in a day, using vibrations to detect the number. The PIs are sensitive enough to tell the difference between coffee and hot water – so no tea drinkers skewed the data.

Genius idea

D411 is our in-house IT department, services thousands of consultants. We counted the number of connections to D.411’s local router, to pinpoint the best times to pay IT a visit, so people could focus on getting things done instead of waiting in line. Through the Deloitte IoT app, consultants could log a ticket via AR triggers as they passed to further streamline the process. Animations reflected the length of the line.

Health through better technology

Deloitte has dedicated half a floor to Recharge, our gym and wellness center. The IoT board shows the classes scheduled for the day, and allows consultants to sign up for classes, and join health challenges through AR triggers. Animations reflected the type of class.

Musical chairs: endgame

One of the office perks (and challenges) is the ability to choose where we work each day. We measured the number of wi-fi connections through our router system to create a heat map of seating availability.