Deloitte: Check your Gut

Deloitte identified that a good portion of CMOs still made decisions based on gut. And while that can be the mark of a good leader, having Deloitte in your corner makes gut instinct even better. We personified Gut Instinct as a character who had enjoyed a close connection with the C-suite, even though his judgement wasn’t totally sound. This campaign was an introduction to Deloitte’s Digital, Analytics, and Innovation capabilities through an integrated campaign that was built to feel different than what was expected from Deloitte. #CheckyourGut

The results:

  • Most watched the 2 min. launch spot to the end.
  • LinkedIn engagement at 5x our benchmark.
  • Paid Media performed double industry standard.

The social cutdowns:

Site design:


  • Creative Team: Miles Markovic, Ali Moeinifar
  • Radke Films, Director: Jono Holmes
  • Editing by School
  • Post by Alter Ego